December 2024

Professional Gambler: Why You Need Coaching

Professional Gambler: Why You Need Coaching  Year’s ago I decided to enrol for an Hons Degree with The Open University reading Psychology. This was after studying for 3-weeks at Anglia Polytechnic University (know called Ruskin University at Cambridge). This was after, as a mature student, I completed an Access Certificate to Higher Education. Before this point, I basically had no qualifications to my name. My journey into higher education was a baptism of fire. The unknown was scary. I had much to learn. And the books and my tutor helped me over the finishing line.

Some seven years later, as a part-time Open University student I achieved a 2:1 Honours Degree in psychology.

Education is akin to mentorship. Just imagine if I had to study without any books?

I’d been just like Sigmund Freud doing my own research. It would have been cutting edge and revolutionary. However, the likelihood of me getting to the end of that journal would have been just about impossible. Even if I had, someone may have looked at a lifetimes work and considered it worthless.

Being a professional gambler is something similar.

You can either do it the hard way on your own or look for a mentor to help you.

My approach to gambling has been the former and taken 30+ years. I’m sure if I had someone who knew the score or I paid someone an arm and a leg the journey to success would have been about ten time quicker.

I don’t regret learning something unique, an approach which has been tested and tested again but it has still taken far too long. That’s the nature of the beast. No one is going to hand you a pot of gold for no good reason. Not even if you touch their palm with silver.

Most professional gamblers are secretive. Their knowledge has been hard earned. Why are they going to be a good Samaritan and hand you golden ticket just because you smiled at the bloke who sells the chocolate bars. Not being nasty, but most people are selfish and would take without a thought of giving back. In fact, I gave someone three horses and they had an each-way treble and won £2,000. Far from buying me a drink, they were interested in getting more of the good stuff free of charge. To be honest, I’m not sure what they were thinking. Perhaps they thought they were doing me a favour. I can tell you this: ‘They weren’t giving me anything but an insult.’ And they received nothing there after.

So if you want a professional gambler mentor its not going to be cheap. Just think back in the day Dave Nevison was paid £100,000 a year by The Winning Line Tips. That’s £2,000 a week for tips let alone the insight to be a better gambler. As the saying goes: ‘Give a man a fish and he eats for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed hm for a lifetime.’

Time and knowledge are precious. I know everyone thinks their time is valuable and everyone else’s is worthless and to be taken advantage of for free but it doesn’t work like that. There is generosity and then get ready to put your hand in your pocket.

As it happened, Nevison’s £100,000 deal didn’t work out as well as he and the business partnership hoped.

That’s business.

I have helped a few punter improve their lot by detailing 10 Dark Horses and mentored one or two people. However, learning to be a professional gambler isn’t quite as simple as gaming a GCSE in Drama from your local Further Education Centre. It’s a complex subject and you need not only a good mentor but an A Star student. It isn’t going to happen overnight. As usual in the world of gambling, punters wish to swallow the magic pill, wake up with the insight of Dave Nevison, go to the races and come back with a suitcase full of money.

As yet, that pill doesn’t exist. And if it did, it would cost a fortune.

Which do you want the red or blue pill?

One leads you to living in the world as a professional gambler the other working in McDonald’s.

So should you consider mentorship?

If you want to gain wise understanding and move forward with professionalism it is a prudent option. It won’t be cheap but you get what you pay for. You have to ask yourself if you simply want to pay for horse racing tips or gain true understanding that build knowledge on a strong foundation.

The choice is yours.