There is little doubt the pursuit of knowledge can literally take a lifetime to learn.
Sometimes even that isn’t enough to achieve the goal. For instance, scientists, working at the cutting edge of knowledge, are, in truth, the people who push forward modernity. Everything has been realised through research and often blind luck.
For most horse racing punters there is little in the way of knowledge. They may feel they have a lot of insight and knowledge but usually that isn’t the case. It’s very much scraping the top of the cream rather than digging a little deeper. Each to their own. As I say: ‘If your betting pays, you don’t need me to tell you anything.’
Considering the vast majority of punters lose money, even on skill-based sports, they have little insight to make their betting pay. Lots of people enjoy horse racing without any real knowledge or interest in trying to improve their lot. However, to beat the bookmakers you need a level of knowledge which goes beyond blind faith. This is why anyone who wants to win money betting need to take this endeavour very seriously. If you bet for fun (which isn’t a good idea) then simply carry on regardless. If that’s costing you money then try and limit this to a minimum.
Psychologists say it takes 10,000 hours to become an expert. This really is scratching the surface. Anyone who would be regarded as an expert would spend years learning, perhaps thousand of pounds investing in themselves or technology.
You can guarantee that the best gamblers (who consistently make money) simply do so because they know more than others. They know their niche. They appreciate that they don’t need to know everything as it is pointless and futile.
I can guarantee they keep their knowledge close to their chest.
The difficulty with understanding a subject is that it takes a long time to learn the basics let alone go beyond that. Once the basics have been learned you need to assess the results and your knowledge pinpointing strength and weakness. It is only through assessment will you be able to learn more. This isn’t something which can be rushed. Pushing too hard or too fast may destroy your previous work.
It is worth noting knowledge comes before money. Meaning you can have all the money in the world, it doesn’t make you a successful or professional gambler. It isn’t as easy as going to the track and betting £10,000 to win £2,000 to make your betting pay. Even, if not more importantly, you need knowledge and skill to make your betting pay. If not, you will soon lose. Don’t be fooled into thinking you only need to bet on odds on shots to make money. It’s far from the truth. You will soon learn a very expensive lesson.
The reason why most people don’t win gambling is because it is recreational. It’s not done in a professional manner. How can an amateur beat the professional? It’s never going to happen. It’s foolish to think otherwise.
Betting shouldn’t be taken lightly. It’s not a laugh, a bit of fun. It can be but most punters are very naive about the gamble. It is and can be a gateway to bigger problems. It’s the reason why people need to gamble responsibly.
If you cannot bet responsibly don’t bet at all.